




Our Parish life thrives through participation of our members. Here are the ministries in which we invite participation (please contact the leaders listed below for more information): 

Worship Ministries

Altar Servers - Ray Kull, 645-6039
Children's Church - Guadalupe Urdaneta, 254-5193
Counters - Denise Dobrolski, 254-5193
Extraordinary Ministers of the Holy Communion - Carol Jordan
Hospitality - Dave Hetrick, 667-3009
Ministers to the Homebound - Rev. Dr. Michael Zboyovski, Deacon, 254-5193
Music - Allyson MacCauley, 254-5193
Nursery - Debbie Wadhams, 254-5193
Readers - Rick Lober, 850-408-9088


Please fill out the following form to request meeting space for your St. Eugene Ministry at least one week prior to meeting. You may send it to Mechelle Kobar either by fax (828-254-5797), email (churcheugene@steugene.org) or bring it by the office.  Thank you!  Meeting Request Form


Pastoral Council

The Pastoral Council is a consultative body, which assists the pastor in fulfilling his shepherding ministry with the parish. The Council consists of 12-14 members and every effort is made to insure that the Latino community is represented. Members are selected to serve three-year terms and are selected by drawn lot from parish members who have expressed an interest in serving and are active members of the parish.

The following Parish Commissions are accountable to the Pastoral Council:

  • Liturgy and Worship Commission
  • Parish Life Commission
  • Outreach (Ecumenism) Commission
  • Evangelization and Communication Commission
  • Education and Formation Commission
  • Buildings and Facilities

Council members and their contact information with photos are available in the narthex. The current Council chairperson's contact information is also available in the weekly bulletin and the council meeting minutes are available on the parish website and on the bulletin board in the narthex.

CHAIR:  Lynn Heth (828) 610-772-3112 or theheths@yahoo.com

Finance Council

The Finance Council serves as an advisory council to the pastor of the parish on matters related to the financial affairs of the parish. The council consists of parish members with expertise in accounting and finance. Currently, four of the five members are Certified Public Accountants (CPA).

Meetings are on a quarterly basis or more often when needed and take place in the parish office. On a semiannual basis, the council posts the financial status of the parish in the weekly bulletin. Please contact the parish office for the next meeting date and time.

Contact:     Chris Amys 828-301-6620 chris.amys@RaymondJames.com


Altar Servers

Servers assist the community and its presiding minister to celebrate liturgical rites, especially the Eucharist. They serve many basic logistical functions before, during and after Mass and are a witness to the assembly by their joyful participation and service to God.

Contact:  Ray Kull 828-645-6039 Email: cubfanray@frontier.com or Alma Figueroa 828-329-4403 Email: rfresita0170@gmail.com

Altar Server Vestment Care

The ministry is responsible for cleaning, washing, drying, ironing and sewing repairs for altar server vestments. Altar servers should re-hang vestments in good shape after use. If soiled or need repair, please hang vestments in designated area.

Contact:     Paula Kotz 828-768-6008 Email:           pkotz@charter.net

Altar Care

"There are different kinds of spiritual gifts but the same Spirit,...different forms of service but the same Lord.,, 1 Corinthians 12:4-5

This is a wonderful group of women from the parish who care for the Sanctuary, Sacristy and Gathering Space (dust, straighten, replenish materials) each weekend. All members are eligible to participate in this important behind-the-scenes ministry. All you need to participate in this ministry is a desire to share your time, love of cleanliness, and willingness to meet one hour on a Saturday which is convenient for your schedule.

Contact:                    OPEN Email:

Arts and Environment Ministry

This ministry makes our liturgical seasons more meaningful through a variety of visual creations inspired by and indicative of the liturgy of the season/feast. It is our vision to enhance our community's gathering areas including the worship area, gathering space, social hall, outside spaces, and meeting rooms. All hands are welcome and useful.

Ladder climbing is a popular skill, as is tree fluffing, plant arranging, and just about everything you can think of. Please consider volunteering for this occasional and seasonal ministry. Have fun and help to make the environment at St. Eugene reflect the liturgical season of the year.

Contact:                    OPEN Email:

Actec Dancers

The mission of the Aztec dancers is expressed through the Aztec dance. Through it, the dancers express the love they have for the mother of God, as their ancestors did. This dance is also their way of praising and worshiping God through their devotion to the Virgin of Guadalupe who appeared to Juan Diego.

Contact: Ernesto Contreras 828-423-7948

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

Extraordinary Ministers Of Holy Communion (EMHC)s have the privilege of bringing Christ to the community by assisting with the distribution of the consecrated bread and wine at all Eucharistic celebrations. EMHCs attend initial group training and occasional brush-up sessions when needed. They are given a written schedule, procedural guidelines, and a list of names and phone numbers of other EMHCs so they can find a substitute when absent. They usually serve every 2-3 weeks. An EMHC must have received the Sacrament of Confirmation and be a Roman Catholic in good standing to serve. If interested, you will find this ministry very rewarding!

Contact:     Carol Jordan 828-687-2829 Email:          rjordan106@aol.com

Hispanic Charismatic Renewal/Prayer Group

Our purpose is to have a spiritual encounter with the Risen Christ through sharing and meditating on the Word of God as well as in worship and prayer. The group meets Saturday evenings at 7:00 pm at the church.

Contact:     Laura Morales 828-505-9753 Email:  moralau2004@hotmail.com

Extraordinary Ministers to the Sick and Homebound

Extraordinary Ministers to the sick and homebound meet semi-annually. Please check the weekly bulletin for dates and times of meetings. Service is a profound truth that "the call" is an expression of the search for God and not just of the desire to bring about individual or social change. Joy and gratitude are the qualities of the heart by which we recognize those who are committed to service as Eucharistic Ministers to the Homebound. On-going formation in the appreciation of Eucharist in our daily lives is essential; hence, quarterly sessions are held to help us to grow in gratitude for the gifts the ministry brings to us personally.

Contact:     Deacon Mike Zboyovski 828-254-5193 ext. 20

Email:         wazupdoc@gmail.com or deaconmike@steugene.org

Reading Ministry/Lector

This ministry conveys God's message to us during every weekend Mass by presenting Scripture readings in a vibrant and informed manner.

Contact:     Rick Lober 850-408-9088 Email: rick0215@charter.net & Raul Cervantes 828-280-3215 Email: delicianjr@gmail.com

Cantoring Ministry

Cantering is a holy, prayer-filled experience! Prospective cantors for the new season will need to audition and pass certain requirements to be considered.

Contact:     Allyson MacCauley  828-254-5193 ext. 1008  Email:  music@steugene.org

Hospitality Ministry

As Hospitality Ministers we are the "face" of St. Eugene. It is we who the parish community sees and meets at the door, it is we who greet them as they enter, it is we who seat them and direct them to Communion, it is we who take their offering, and it is we who provide them with an opportunity for fellowship. We are called to make room within the community for all who are called to worship, create a warm and welcome environment where people can become whole and holy. In addition, we make space within ourselves for others with a desire to inspire them and love them wholeheartedly. Come join us to extend Jesus' invitation to "come and see."

Contact: Email:  ENGLISH - David Hetrick 828-667-3009 dave1149@bellsouth.net and SPANISH - Abel Hernandez 828-989-4191

Music Ministry

This ministry enhances our community worship with a group of singers and instrumentalists who have the pleasure of initiating, educating and leading the assembly in song and celebration. Our goal is to create a degree of solemnity and beauty in worship, thereby helping the faithful to pray in an atmosphere of joy. All are invited to participate in one of our prayer-filled groups.

ENGLISH - Allyson MacCauley  828-254-5193 ext. 1008  Email:  music@steugene.org and SPANISH - Samuel Robles 828-209-7369

As the title of Bill Staines song: "All God's Critters Got a Place in the Choir", young or not so young, professionally trained or just beginning, all are welcome to join the choir. The choir is a place where friends gather to aid the community's prayer in harmonious song and to support each other.


Bereavement Ministry

St. Eugene Catholic Church Bereavement Ministry is an outreach ministry whose members are devoted to the caring, friendship, and comfort of any parishioner who has experienced the recent loss of a parent, spouse, child, or sibling. A brief overview of member responsibilities is as listed below.

All committee members available should attend the funeral service to lend support for the bereaved. Those members who know the bereaved, or any available member or members, will be assigned to care, on behalf of our Parish, for the bereaved due to their loss. Visits, calls, favors, and cards are used to let the bereaved know that they are not alone and the Parish cares and wants to help. We share a close relationship with Hospice, and CarePartners Bereavement and have had training from them on recognizing grief and how to get assistance if needed.

New members are always welcome and encouraged to join. 

Contact:  Ginny Raviotta 828-713-3321 Email:  mraviotta@charter.net


Can't sing! Prison Ministry not your thing? Then why not become a "counter"? On a rotational schedule about 2 or 3 times in a 3-month period, each 2 to 4 member team spends 2 to 4 hours emptying and posting Sunday collection envelopes and making the deposits.  Please consider counting.  You will be given approximately 2 hours of training.

Contact:      Denise Dobrolski 828-254-5193 ext.1006 Email: denise @steugene.org

Funeral Pall Stitchers

We periodically gather to stitch names of deceased parishioners onto a funeral pall, which is displayed at most funeral Masses.

Contact: Chris Cicotello 828-275-6270 Email:     chriscicotello@yahoo.com

Hispanic Base Community

The mission of this ministry is to share the Word of God, living in fraternity as the first community (The Acts of the Apostles) and reaching out to our brothers and sisters in Christ to evangelize.

Contact:  Abel Hernandez 828-989-4191 (South) Adelina Perez 828-279-8062 (North) Aveli Romero 828-702-6529 (West)

Hispanic Evangelization Retreat

This ministry strives to help parishioners understand their faith better, to have knowledge about their beliefs, and to know the Word of God.

Contact:     Martha Gonzalez

Hispanic Cursillo for Men

The purpose of this ministry is to help all Christian men strengthen their faith in Jesus Christ. It is a movement of spirit by practicing a method to experience the presence and love of the Holy Trinity in our daily lives.  As Saint Pope John Paul II stated "Cursillo is an instrument raised up by God for the proclamation of the gospel in our time".

Meetings are on Thursday at 7:00 pm in the Social Hall.

Contact:      Abel Hernandez 828-989-4191 or Raul Cervantes    828-280-3215

Hispanic Cursillo for Women

The purpose of this ministry is to help all Christian women strengthen their faith in Jesus Christ. It is a movement of spirit by practicing a method to experience the presence and love of the Holy Trinity in our daily lives.   As Saint Pope John Paul II stated "Cursillo is an instrument raised up by God for the proclamation of the gospel in our time".

Contact:     Juana Patricia Baca 828-273-3606

Hispanic Marriage Enrichment Ministry

The ministry helps married Christians develop stronger relationships by enriching themselves in their faith, individually and as a couple.

Contact:     Martha Gonzalez

Jobs Bulletin Board

This started through the Latino Advocacy Committee as a way to help our Hispanic community find jobs. It has grown now so that anyone who wants to can advertise or leave a business card. The board is checked each Sunday, and items are removed that are over six months old. It has helped a number of people find work, and we often get calls of inquiry.

Contact:      Bill Maloney 828-230-0103  Email:  maloneyw@bellsouth.net


Ministry of Volunteers

Our mission is helping volunteers to love God, their church and their faith through serving the Church in the parish's need. When we love our Church we become disciples of Jesus and enter into a more intimate relationship with Christ. The Holy Scripture says that Jesus exhorts his disciples to take up their cross and follow him. Mother Teresa of Calcutta, in one of her famous quotes, said: "Give until it hurts". She says we need silence to pray, because praying to God inspires us to have a purpose in our day, this purpose must lead us to serve, and when serving others we find happiness in our daily lives. Please consider being a volunteer!

Contact:     Church Office 828-254-5193 Email: churcheugene@steugene.org

Nursery Ministry

The church offers childcare in the Parish Nursery Room for the Sunday, 11:00 am and 1:30 pm Spanish Mass, to allow parents to fully engage and participate in the Mass.

We offer age appropriate play activities for infants and children up to and including four years of age. All adults are trained in the Protecting God's Children program and are required to have background checks completed. The nursery is always covered with two care givers; one may be a qualified teenager. We utilize a pager system to notify individual parents if needed to return to the nursery for their child.

Contact:  Debbie Wadhams 828-484-8459 Email: gfkiggy@gmail.com

Parents Morning Out

We are a bilingual program that provides a nurturing environment in the Parish Nursery Room that promotes growth and learning through learning centers, manipulatives, creative arts, music, circle time, and outdoor play. We have an integrated classroom with a special program for children 3 and up, to prepare them for preschool. We are currently accepting children ages 6 months to 4 years. We are open Monday through Thursday, from 9 am-1 pm.

Contact:  Jennie Arndt 828-707-6595 Email: jennie.arndt@gmail.com

Parish Picnic

Once a year, St. Eugene hosts a parish picnic at various beautiful locations around Asheville. It is a time for the whole church family to gather for Mass, fun, food and fellowship. There is always plenty of fun for everyone ages 1-101. It requires the work of many hands.

Contact:      Church Office 828-254-5193 Email: churcheugene@steugene.org

Prayer Chain Ministry

St. Eugene's Prayer Chain Ministry is a network of parishioners who receive prayer requests from the parish family. The members of the prayer chain then pray for those intentions. Information needed to make a request is minimal to protect the privacy of individuals asking for prayer. New members are most welcome.

Contact:                    OPEN Email:

Respect Life Ministry

Our focus is to pray for our parish members and for a respect for all life from conception to a natural death. Our goal is to educate our parish community by offering respect life materials on topics such as abortion, euthanasia, and capital punishment. The ministry arranges speakers for the parish that promote a pro-life philosophy.

We come together on the first and third Mondays at 7:00 pm to pray the rosary in the Day Chapel. We pray for all life, which includes each parish member of our church, and any prayer requests directed our way. We welcome anyone who wants to join us in praying the rosary and encouraging friends to join us. We invite parents and grandparents to join us. Children are most welcome.

We also make our presence felt in other places as well. We encourage prayer at the local abortion clinic. We are a peaceful, prayerful group that prays the rosary on site for a change of heart in those entering. We pray for anyone working there in any capacity, for recognition of the value of all life, and for a seeking of reconciliation with our merciful, loving Father.

Our highlighted month is the month of October, which has been designated as Respect Life Month within the Catholic Church.

We work with the Knights of Columbus in respect life endeavors. We work together to promote the March for Life Charlotte in the month of January.

Contact:     Debbie Wadhams 828-484-8459 Email:  gfkiggy@gmail.com

Wedding Coordinator Ministry

Wedding coordinators help with the various needs of our parishioners when they are planning their big day. They assist the bride, the groom, and the family before, during and after the wedding. Please consider becoming a member of this special ministry!

Contact:      Email:                 

Womens Guild

"We are a group of women who express our Catholic values through spirituality, service and friendship.  The main purpose of the Guild is to assist in providing funds to pay for items needed to maintain the altar, vestments, hymnals etc.  Under normal circumstances, all women of the Parish are asked to participate in a fall annual baked food sale to help by providing additional financial aid for the various  ministries of St. Eugene. Several members are involved with our outreach ministry that prepares and serves  lunch for the needy at ABCCM.  Other extensions of the Guild include the Ladies Out-to-Lunch Bunch, the Linus Project and Crafty Ladies.  The Guild normally meets the 2nd Wednesday of the month, March through December, at 11:00AM in the social hall.  Registration begins at 10:30AM.  Each month we have a speaker or other entertaining program followed by lunch and a short business meeting.  All are welcome!
Contact:  Ann Crowley, 941-586-5319 or Susan Shillcock, 828-231-7075                                               


Angel Tree

Every Christmas, St. Eugene pairs with Catholic Charities to take care of those in Buncombe County who need a little extra help around the holidays. Angel Tree tags are available in November.

Contact:     Tracey Barnes  828-582-0536 Email:  sntbarnes@yahoo.com

Carpenters for Christ

Carpenters for Christ is a ministry that reaches out into the community to assist those in need of minor home repair. Volunteers are always needed to help with small jobs, with a minimum of experience needed.

Contact:   OPEN

Catholic Charities Diocese of Charlotte (CCDOC) Western Regional Office

The Western Regional Office was established in 1982 to make the services of Catholic Charities Diocese of Charlotte more readily available to the residents of Western North Carolina. Today, the office programs include individual, family, and couples counseling in English and Spanish, infancy and pregnancy support, international and domestic pregnancy and adoption services, adoption home study and post adoption services, refugee assistance program, direct assistance with food and clothing, limited financial assistance, and citizenship/immigration services.

Contact:  828-255-0146      Office hours: Monday-Friday 9:00 am-5:00 pm Fax: 828-253-7339

Address: 50 Orange Street, Asheville, NC 28801 Email:             ccdocwro@charlottediocese.org Website:  www.ccdoc.org

Ecumenical Prayer Service Ministry

Every Wednesday during Advent, St. Eugene Church joins with St. Mary's Episcopal, St. Mark's Lutheran and St. Paul's Methodist Churches for a soup and sandwich meal and prayer service. Each congregation hosts a service and is responsible for serving a light soup and sandwich meal. The pastors of all the congregations then conduct a prayer service.

On Good Friday, there is a communal Stations of the Cross at 12:00 noon at St. Mary's Episcopal Church.

Ecumenism Ministry

For years St. Eugene has partnered with non-Catholic churches in the Asheville area to conduct prayer services in the various churches for members of all the churches in the ecumenical group. Volunteers from these churches have provided services at nursing homes such as Golden Care Living Center, The Laurels of Summit Ridge and Laurels of GreenTree. The spirit of goodwill and services of many kinds provided for the elderly and others have been satisfying for both those receiving and those providing

assistance. One of the latest ecumenical endeavors known as "Loving Neighbors " has teams made up of volunteers from the churches meeting with school leaders, landlords of low cost housing and other special housing directors to learn what services would be helpful specifically in their neighborhoods. Some churches in the ecumenical group share the same neighborhoods as these facilities. As much as possible, volunteers from the churches will then provide the services needed. Please consider donating some of your time and services!

Contact:     Joe Wansong 828-628-9163 Email:    wansongjf@bellsouth.net

Feed My Sheep

For more than 30 years, a group of St. Eugene & Asheville Catholic folks prepare and take dinner to one of the homeless shelters on the first Tuesday of each month, feeding 45-50 people. We have four teams of four people on each team. We rotate taking the main dish (pasta), bread, salad, and dessert.

Contact:      Krisztina Stern 828-337-4696 Email:    pirosrozsa04@yahoo.com

Habitat for Humanity

Volunteers from St. Eugene participate with volunteers from fourteen other faith communities to fund and build one home each year for Asheville Area Habitat for Humanity. Parish volunteers work one or more days over a three-month period. Construction of the Interfaith House helps Habitat to provide affordable housing for a deserving family in the Asheville community.

Contact:     Tim Wrinn

Email:         timwrinn@aol.com

Knights of Columbus - St. Eugene Council #11911

The Knights of Columbus was founded by the Venerable Father Michael J. McGivney in 1882 and was named in honor of the mariner Christopher Columbus. Originally serving as a mutual benefit society to low-income immigrant Catholics, it developed into a fraternal benefit society dedicated to providing charitable services, promoting Catholic education, and actively defending Catholicism in various nations. St. Eugene Knights of Columbus Council 11911 was chartered on January 30, 1997 and has over 140 members. The Knights focus their efforts to support the Church, families, youth, and community. Some examples of the Knights' activities and events include hosting free pancake breakfasts to raise funds for programs and groups such as Respect Life, St.

Eugene Youth Group, Catholic Charities Diocese of Charlotte, Catholic Campus Ministry, and Operation LAMB, amongst others. Dinners are held throughout the year to provide fellowship within the parish community. Each January the Knights of Columbus arrange for a trip to March for Life Charlotte. Membership is open to any practical Catholic man, at least 18 years of age.

Contact:     Tom Kotz 828-645-9857 Email:          tkotz@charter.net

Loving Neighbors

One of the latest ecumenical endeavors known as "Loving Neighbors" has teams made up of volunteers from four churches (St. Eugene, St. Paul's United Methodist Church, St. Mark's Lutheran and St. Mary's Episcopal) meeting with school leaders, low cost housing and Steadfast House directors to learn what specific services would be helpful in their neighborhoods. Some of the churches in this ecumenical group share the same neighborhoods. As much as possible, volunteers from the churches will provide the services needed.

Contact: Email:  Joe Wansong    828-628-9163 wansongjf@bellsouth.net

Prison Ministry

This ministry includes a weekly Communion Service at the Craggy Correctional Center along with religious counseling, one-on-one volunteer opportunities, birthday parties, etc. Various other programs are also offered to the inmates at the Craggy Minimum Custody Unit such as AA and Prison Fellowship. The latter is a Reentry Life plan to prepare prisoners nearing release for a successful reentry into family and the community. In addition, an 18-week course is offered to cover basic biblical principles and life skills to deal with the practical aspects of life once they are released.

Contact:     Deacon Mike Zboyovski 828-254-5193 ext. 20

Email:   wazszupdoc@gmail.com or deaconmike@steugene.org

Catholic Relief Services (CRS) Rice Bowl

Each Lent, Catholic families across the country unite to put their faith into action through prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. Through CRS Rice Bowl, families learn about how our sisters and brothers across the globe overcome hardships like hunger and malnutrition, and how through Lenten alms, we have the power to make the world a better place for all. While most of the money collected benefits many across the globe, 25% of our collection is used right here in our diocese.
Contact: Terry Hash; 901-849-0983
Email:  theresamhash@gmail.com

Sharing Sunday

This rewarding ministry assists agencies in feeding the less fortunate in our community. On the first weekend of each month, we collect and deliver numerous bags of food to ABCCM, Western Carolina Rescue Mission, North Buncombe Samaritan Ministry, Catholic Charities, and the Salvation Army.

Sister Anita's Friends

Sister Anita's Friends meet every other Monday from 10:30AM to11:30AM at the Golden Living Center on Beaverdam Road. The ministry members visit and sing with residents in their activities room in a spirit of Christian fellowship.  Singing or musical talent is not a requirement. Be a part of a rewarding ministry that brings joy to the lives of others.

Contact: JoAnne Gance 828-450-6627 Email: jgance4me@yahoo.com or Bob Gance 610-207-4400 Email: ganceb@yahoo.com

Society of St. Vincent De Paul

Members of the Society of St. Vincent DePaul, representing St. Eugene, St. Lawrence, and St. Joan of Arc parishes, gather each week for prayer and reflection and to plan visits to needy families in Buncombe County. These members visit the families, keep records, make phone calls, and raise funds to provide for the material needs of our clients. In addition to helping with food, rent, and utility bills, our members bring hope and love to the poor, making this a very rewarding and uplifting ministry. We gather in the Parlor at St. Eugene every Monday evening at 6:00 pm. If you would like to become a financial supporter, simply drop your donations in the weekly collection basket.

Contact:     Bob Phillips 828-658-9409 Email: robertaphillips@yahoo.com


Taize is meditative one-hour prayer. It is a mixture of song, silence, and scripture. Gathered in the presence of Christ, we sing uncomplicated repetitive songs, uncluttered by too many words, allowing the mystery of God to become tangible through the beauty of simplicity. A few words sung over and over again reinforce the meditative quality of prayer. They express a basic reality of faith that can be grasped quickly by the heart and intellect, gradually penetrating the whole being. Currently, the group meets on the first Sunday of every month at 7:00 pm in the All Saint's Chapel of St. Eugene Catholic Church.

Contact:      Megan Buser 828-230-6763 Email:  meganreillybuser@gmail.com or Janet Hart 828-251-5513 jhart7@bellsouth.net


Bulletin Boards

Check bulletin boards in the gathering space for general and last-minute announcements , as well as the Pastoral Council minutes.

Christmas Tree Displays

Volunteers from each ministry decorate a tree at Christmas which is part of the display in the gathering space.

Church Directory

The latest Church Directory was produced in 2013. A copy is available to view in the parish office.


"Like us" on Facebook to receive information about upcoming events and stay "in the know" about parish happenings.

Hispanic Translation and Interpreter Ministry

Our mission is to translate and interpret any Catholic document to help both Hispanic and Anglo communities to better understand the doctrine, liturgical celebrations and the different events that our Diocese offers.

Contact:         Walkyria Almonte 828-505-2712

Ministry Fair

The fair is held once a year during the Fall. Tables are set up for each ministry and detailed information is available from a representative.


Asheville Catholic School

Asheville Catholic School (ACS) is a fully accredited elementary and middle school with students from Pre-Kindergarten through 8th grade. Every morning, as we pray and begin our day together, we are reminded that the goals of our teachers, staff and students are to become life-long learners, Christian leaders and responsible citizens.

All of our activities are designed to teach a reverence for God and all of His creation. We study our faith daily, attend Mass together on Friday mornings and go on outreach trips every month as part of our on-going community service. Our standards are high for our students as well as our learning environment. Our media center was completely renovated in the summer of 2013 and E-Books were added. We are also excited about the arrival of new Google Chrome books for our Middle School students.

Our academic program is strong too! In addition to Math, English, History , and Science, we have Library, Art, Music, Spanish, and Physical Education (PE) classes. Middle School has an additional Fine Arts elective which varies each quarter. Our Battle of the Books teams have won district and regional competitions. We have had students place at the North Carolina State Science Fair, and our school's Geography Bee winner has qualified for the National Geography Bee. We have a competitive Math Counts team, and grades four thru eight competes in a school wide Spelling Bee.

Our after-school programs are varied and include Battle of the Books, Musical Theater, Math Counts team, school newspaper, Bridge Club and after-school care. Asheville Catholic has a strong Middle School Athletic Department that has produced All­ Conference players in tennis, cross country running, volleyball, soccer and basketball. And, our tennis team has had an undefeated season two years in a row. ACS is working on adding two new sports: swimming and track! I also want to mention that Asheville Catholic has buses that take students home, and the furthest bus drop off is at Estes Elementary School in Arden.

Currently the stakeholders at Asheville Catholic School are working towards reinventing a school culture that brings a new relevance to Catholic education. This school culture will make ACS a school of Global Leadership and is based upon Stephen Covey's "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People" and the seven virtues of prudence, justice, temperance , courage, faith, hope and charity. We call this 7x7 and we have begun work to make these principles ubiquitous within ACS. This, along with our academic and spiritual missions, will create students who are prepared to make a positive difference in our world. And isn't that the ultimate goal for any school?

Contact:        Mike Miller, Principal 828-252-7896 Email:  mmiller@ashevillecatholic.org Website:  http://www.ashevillecatholic.org

Adult Education

The main goal of Adult Education is to oversee and lead the educational development of the adult parish community. The Adult Education Director leads the church community in planning, conducting and evaluating a comprehensive program of Christian education for adults. In addition, the Director provides assistance and serves as an educational resource person and advisor to the other educational ministries as needed.

Contact: Church Office 828-254-5193 Email: churcheugene@steuqene.org

Baptismal Preparation

St Eugene parish welcomes parents and godparents preparing for the baptism of their child. As you will hear in the Baptismal Rite itself, the Christian community joyfully welcomes your child into the Body of Christ. Baptism is the sacrament of initiation into the Christian life. To prepare for the sacrament, parents and godparents are required to attend a baptism preparation class so that they will understand the meaning and significance of the sacrament of initiation into the Church.

Contact:  Church Office  828-254-5193 Email: churcheuqene@steugene.org

Bible Study Group

The Bible Study Group is intended to help you, the reader, uncover the layers of meaning in a given book or passage of scripture so that the words on the page come to life. It does this in a simple way by placing meaningful information right at your fingertips, usually on the page of the reading itself. Also, this Bible study builds on a quality translation, employing footnotes and cross references that are a part of that translation , and enhances the experience with additional information, tips for prayer, visual images, and spiritual insight, thus making the most of your time and effort when reading and praying with the Bible. Finally, this group will help you to communicate better with God through the words of Jesus Christ and to receive God in all that He gives through His word. The Bible, will be for you, your future GPS to find any destination you will have in your life.

Contact:  Allison and Callan White 828-736-2361 Email:  cdwhitedds@gmail.com or ajwhitedds@gmail.com

Care of Creation

We work to move our parish and the broader community to have a greater respect for and to take better care of the environment. In keeping with Catholic social teaching, we seek to foster awareness of our impact on the planet, reduce our collective carbon footprint, and use the resources of God's creation wisely for the good of future generations. We actively support these goals in the parish through educational and action projects such as planning workshops and carrying out plans for energy and resource conservation.

Our meetings are the third Sunday of each month between the Masses, 9:45 -10:45, in Room 2. If you would like to be part of this endeavor, we welcome everyone's participation.

Contact:     Cynthia Gibbs 828-684-3555 Email:  cynthia@gibbsco.com

Catholic Committee of Appalachia

The Catholic Committee of Appalachia (CCA) provides a community of solidarity and network of support for people of faith working for social, economic, and ecological justice in Appalachia. CCA stands with, as well as challenges, the Church to do the work of the Gospel and exemplifies Catholic teachings. CCA offers educational programs, encourages participation at grassroots levels to fill the void of social justice, and builds bridges between the diverse people and places of Appalachia.

Contact:     Bruce Cahoon 828-275-2967 Email: bcahoon@unca.edu Website:     http://www.ccappal.org


Landings is a ministry that welcomes Catholics back to the Church. There are many reasons why they have left or feel that they have been excluded and this is where Landings comes in. We provide a safe and comfortable landing spot for their return to the Church. We meet once per week for 7 to 9 weeks, depending on the group size. Active parishioners join with people returning to pray together, share our spiritual journey stories, and enjoy light refreshments. We discuss changes in the Church and how they affect all of us. We listen in a warm, caring, confidential and non-judgmental way. If you are thinking about returning to the Church or if you are a parishioner who would like to welcome people who would like to return to the Church, please contact us.

Contact:  Joe Wansong 828-628-9163 Email:  wansongjf@bellsouth.net

Marriage Ministry

Marriage Ministry assists the pastor by engaging couples in the preparation for the sacrament of marriage to determine their readiness through a process of discernment, prayerful intention, and personal care from sponsor couples from the parish. The ministry will also develop programs to enrich current marriages.

Contact:  Deacon John Langlois 828-254-5193 ext. 1011 deaconjohn@steugene.org or Martha Gonzales  

Peace and Justice

The Peace and Justice Ministry of St. Eugene, in light of the Gospel message, seeks to enlighten and empower our faith community, to seek justice, pursue peace and to promote human development through education, formation, and action. Our objectives are to continually educate and inform ourselves about Catholic social teaching and current peace and justice issues, provide educational programs and educational resources for the parish on these issues, provide opportunities for parishioners to engage in working for justice and peace and seek out and collaborate with other area social justice committees. New members are very welcome. Meetings are currently held virtually. For information, please reach out to the contact above.
Contact: Sue Koesters
Email:  suenbern@yahoo.com

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults/Catechumenate

This program shares and assists those adults who have decided to join our Christian faith community. It is a nearly year-long process of fellowship, study, prayer, and discernment. Training for catechists or for sponsors is available.

Contact:         Deacon Mike Zboyovski 828-254-5193 ext. 20

Email:            wazszupdoc@gmail.com or deaconmike@steugene.org

Protecting God's Children Program/VIRTUS

The Protecting God's Children Program, sponsored by the VIRTUS® programs, assists the Church in being a safe haven for children and a messenger to prevent child sexual abuse within the Church and society in general. The program maximizes a child safety program by helping churches and religious organizations refine their roles as child-safe environments and empowering caring adults to protect children. The program educates and trains adults (clergy, religious, teachers, staff, volunteers, and parents) about the dangers of abuse, the warning signs of abuse, the ways to prevent abuse, the methods of properly reporting suspicions of abuse, responding to allegations of abuse, the methods and means by which offenders commit abuse, and five empowerment steps one can use to prevent child sexual abuse. The program, sponsored by the Diocese of Charlotte and taught by parish staff, is a three-hour live awareness session instructing adults of the Church that to protect children you must have continuous awareness and vigilance. Continuing online training is a valuable component of the Protecting God's Children Program for the continued awareness of child abuse. Please check the Diocese of Charlotte website for scheduling.

Contact:  Rick Lober 850-408-9088 Email: rick0215@charter.net  

Tribunal Advocate

The Catholic Church teaches that marriage was made a sacrament by Christ. In doing so He enhanced the dignity of an institution already made holy in God's creation.

Marriage is an enduring and exclusive partnership in which husband and wife establish a lifelong loving and life-giving relationship.

For this reason the Church views divorce very seriously. The Church does not accept that divorce can sever the actual bond of a valid marriage. Church law, in fact, presumes that a marriage is valid once it is entered, a presumption which remains in force unless and until the contrary is proved.

Not every marital relationship meets the standard established by Christ--a standard which requires certain intentions, understanding, and capabilities on the part of the husband and wife.  Without these essential elements, a marriage does not have the kind of enduring bond which Christ taught was indissoluble. In other words, while a marriage relationship exists, it is not necessarily the type of marriage bond which can be broken only by the death of one of the parties.

The purpose of a nullity process is to determine whether or not an indissoluble marriage bond was created when the parties entered their marriage. It must be proved clearly and with moral certainty that an enduring bond was not established in order to declare a marriage null. This proof must focus on grounds of nullity recognized by Church law and must apply to the marriage from its very beginning.

The nullity process is handled by the Tribunal, an office of the Diocese that works on a set of procedures and laws established as part of the universal Church. Each case submitted to the Tribunal is unique; therefore it is impossible to generalize accurately about marriage cases.

The Church has no jurisdiction over non-Catholics; HOWEVER marriage or conversion brings a person under the umbrella of the Catholic faith and its law. The following circumstances require an annulment:

  • A divorced non-Catholic who wants to marry a Catholic
  • A divorced non-Catholic who is currently married and wants to become a Catholic
  • A divorced non-Catholic spouse of someone who wants to become a Catholic
  • A divorced Catholic who wishes to marry in the Catholic Church and fully participate in the sacramental life of the

The first step is to contact the pastor or the parish advocate for information. The advocate will assist individuals who wish to begin the process and advise the person as to which documents and proofs are needed to file a case. All information is kept strictly confidential.

Contact: Email:  Carol Jordan 828-687-2829 Rdjcsj@aol.com

Children's Church

This ministry celebrates the Word with children between 2 ½ years and Kindergarten with an age-appropriate worship service at the Sunday 11:00 am Liturgy. This includes music, storytelling, puppetry, and activities that relate to the weekly Gospel. We read the Gospel, have a homily and say the Prayer of the Faithful, the Creed and the Our Father. We also explain some of the Mass rituals such as why the colors change seasonally, etc. Volunteers are always welcome, so please consider joining this ministry as a homilist, activity coordinator, etc. Training is available and once trained, you will be placed on a rotating team with 4-5 members that rotate every 4 weeks.

Contact:  Guadalupe Urdaneta 828-254-5193 ext. 21 Email:  guadalupe@steugene.org

Order of Christian Initiation of Children (OCIC)

This program is available to school-aged children who have not yet been baptized or received the Sacraments of Initiation, Eucharist, and Confirmation. They will prepare to be received into our parish faith community as full participating members at the Easter Vigil.

Contact: Guadalupe Urdaneta 828-254-5193 ext. 21 guadalupe@steugene.org

Faith Formation:   Pre-K (4 & 5 YEAR OLDS) -  6th  Grade

Faith Formation - the sharing of our faith. Parents are the first and primary teachers of the Catholic faith to their children. Together with parents and help from the parish community we are able to plant the seed of our faith. Faith is ever growing. It begins as a small seed in a child. Through our baptism it is our mission, yours and mine as a church community, to nurture that seed with the waters from the Holy Spirit and God's son Jesus Christ.  By sharing God's good news, which he has shared with us, and how it works in our lives, it is our hope to nurture that seed so one day it will blossom. If the seed has been well cared for, a child entering into adulthood will have something to harvest. It will in return start nurturing other small seeds by sharing its faith.

FAITH IS EVER GROWING! These programs are "lectionary based" using Sunday reading as a starting point to develop faith sharing. They are held Sundays at 9:45 am until 10:45 am at Asheville Catholic School.

Contact: Email:  Guadalupe Urdaneta 828-254-5193 ext. 21 guadalupe@steugene.org

Elementary Level Sacramental Preparation

This program begins in the Fall and prepares children for the first Sacraments of Reconciliation and the Eucharist. All second grade children, who have one prior year of Faith Formation will prepare together, whether they attend Asheville Catholic School or Faith Formation. In addition, all baptized children who have reached the age of discretion (7), can be admitted to the Eucharistic table when it is assumed they have been oriented to that table by the following prerequisites:

  • They and their families are regular in the practice of the faith in their parish community
  • They are engaged now (and at least for one prior year) in formal Faith Formation
  • They have been catechized by the Sacrament of Penance
  • They are registered in the parish community
  • Parents are required to attend meetings to assist in preparing their

Contact:         Guadalupe Urdaneta 828-254-5193 ext. 21 Email:  guadalupe@steugene.org

Vacation Bible School

This program has a new theme every year and is an interactive hands-on Catholic faith sharing experience for children age 3 years through 5th grade. It meets for one week Monday-Friday in the evening during the summer. This is also a great place for adults and teens to volunteer. You will be sure to make lasting friendships and memories.

Contact:         Guadalupe Urdaneta 828-254-5193 ext. 21 Email:  guadalupe@steugene.org


Confirmation for youth in 8th grade or above is celebrated every year in the parish. Prior to the immediate preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation, candidates are required to have been part of at least two years of a formal catechetical process in the parish or a Catholic school. The immediate preparation, assisted by a team of adults, is a year-long process of three retreats that focus on spiritual and liturgical preparation, including a personal interview with the pastor.

Contact:  Guadalupe Urdaneta  828-254-5193 ext. 21 guadalupe@steugene.org or  Martha Gonzales

EDGE (7th - 8th Grade)

EDGE comes forth from the greater movement of Life Teen, which was originally established for high school ministry. As Life Teen began to grow, many parishes began asking how we could serve middle school youth in the same way as the high school teens. Thus EDGE was created with the Life Teen program and has been rapidly growing ever since.

The big picture behind the development of EDGE has important components:

  • There are tremendous amounts of change for youth at this age, both internally and in their social lives
  • Middle School youth begin to transition from the influence of their parents to the influence of friends and peers and they need help and guidance
  • At this age, youth begin to question their identity
  • At this age, youth begin to question the purpose of their life
  • Middle School youth make decisions that can affect the rest of their

Because there is so much changing in the lives of middle school youth, it is essential that they be introduced to the truth and love of Jesus Christ and the Church so that their lives can be transformed and led in a positive direction. EDGE youth ministry strives to introduce young people to the saving power and love of Christ in a few specific ways:

  • Through fun and relevant catechesis
  • By connecting the youth to a loving community of friends
  • By having faithful adults present and who are committed to journeying with them
  • By reaching out in love and truth to lead youth closer to

EDGE meets most Sundays from 5:00-7:00 pm, September through the beginning of May (with dinner included) at the church, unless a social event or service project is planned. Come and join us! We look forward to meeting you.

Contact:  Guadalupe Urdaneta 828-254-5193 ext. 21 Email:  guadalupe@steugene.org

St. Eugene High School Youth Ministry (SEY)

As a Eucharist-centered movement within the Roman Catholic Church, this ministry leads teens in the parish community to develop a relationship with Christ and His Church. With the intercession and guidance of the Blessed Virgin Mary, this ministry seeks to unleash the fullness of the sacramental power present within the young Church. This ministry equips teens to live as young, engaged Catholics. Also, it seeks to help young people grow and develop in three distinct ways: it works to foster the total person and spiritual growth, it seeks to draw young people to responsible participation in the life, mission, and work of the faith community, and it empowers young people to become disciples of Jesus Christ, to become witnesses of the living faith by living and working for justice, peace, and human dignity. The ministry creates an atmosphere that supports prayer, community, service, leadership, and fun by enjoying faith sharing, social activities, service projects, fund raisers, mission trips, such as CHWC, and many diocesan and vicariate events. The goal is to lead youth into a life-long, personal relationship with a real person, Jesus Christ. SEY meets most Sundays from 5:00-7:00 pm, September through the beginning of May (with dinner included) at the church, unless a social evening or service project is planned. Come and join us! We look forward to meeting you. Grades 9th-12th.

Contact:  Guadalupe Urdaneta 828-254-5193 ext. 21 Email:  guadalupe@steugene.org  Twitter/lnstagram:        @SEYAsheville

Asheville Area Catholic Campus Ministry

Asheville Area Catholic Campus Ministry (CCM) is a community empowered by the Spirit that strives to live the Gospel on campus and in our modern world. We believe that faith gives life, and sharing faith gives life its meaning. We invite all college students to join us in living and celebrating a life grounded in faith, nurtured by hope, and sustained by love. We foster spiritual growth through worship, faith formation, service, reflection and social activities. CCM offers transportation to the 11:00 am Mass. Weekly meetings are also held on campus (day and time change each semester). Check Facebook for all campus ministry opportunities.

Contact:        Email:  ashevilleccm@gmail.com Website:  www.catholiconcampus.com  Facebook:     Asheville Area Catholic Campus Ministry


 Sound & Technology

This ministry benefits everyone that attends St. Eugene's services and events. We have a newly upgraded state-of-the-art sound system as well as the finest inductive loop system in Western NC, serving those with hearing loss. People can receive audio transmitted directly to their T-Coil-enabled hearing aids. Those without T-Coils may use wireless body packs, available from one of the Hospitality Ministers. Individuals with experience or interest in audio, video, recording, webcasting, or wireless networking are welcome to join our group.

Contact:     Frank Dosier  Email:  frank@musiciansworkshop.com