Safe Environment

Dear Co-workers of St. Eugene Parish:

Saint Eugene is committed to a safe environment for all members of our community.  In order to follow the Diocese of Charlotte’s requirements, all volunteers are required to have on file a volunteer profile, clear their background check, sign the code of conduct documents and take the Protecting God’s Children (PGC) workshop before participating in any ministry or group at Saint Eugene.


If you have already met with the ministry or group leader and completed the training, please follow these two steps to get compliant before you can start volunteering: 

Submit a Volunteer Profile Form to the Parish Office. Please print the group or ministry you will be a part of on the upper, right part of this form. 

Sign up for a CMG account to process your background check, code of conduct documents and follow the instructions. Please use your legal name (as stated in your legal papers such as your passport or driver’s license). Detailed instructions are attached.

VOLUNTEERS 16 years and younger:

You only need to fill out the Volunteer Profile form for underage to be complaint if your ministry or group requires it.


CMG ACCOUNT – If you don’t have a CMG account, please sign up for one using the attached instructions. Please use your legal name (as stated in your legal papers such as your passport or driver’s license).  Detailed instructions are attached.

BACKGROUND CHECK - In compliance with the USCCB, we need to have our background checks renewed every five years. You will be contacted by your Ministry or group leader or our Safe Environment Coordinator if a renewal is required. If you have a CMG account, please log into it and processed it online.

Please email the report confirmation number to churcheugene@steugene.org. If you experience technical difficulties processing your background check, please contact the Diocese (David Vasquez dpvasquez@rcdoc.org; 704-370-3222).

CODE OF CONDUCT DOCUMENTS - If we are missing your code of conduct documents, please log into your CMG account and sign them there in the box called “required documents.” If you don’t have a CMG account and cannot sign up for one, please submit a paper copy of it to our Safe Environment Coordinator.

VOLUNTEER PROFILE - If you are missing a volunteer profile or you need to resubmit it (we resubmit one every 5 years), please submit it to the Parish Office (Attention: Safe Environment Coordinator).  Please use your legal name (as stated in your legal papers such as your passport or driver’s license). Please print the group or ministry you will be a part of on the upper, right part of this form. 

It is very important to keep your CMG training updated through the yearly trainings.

Thank you for helping to ensure that our parish is safe for the children and vulnerable adults of our community.

If you have any questions or need help with CMG, please call me in the Parish Office at 254-5193 ext 1001.


Instructions to CMG    ENGLISH          SPANISH

                                                                                   Sincerely Yours in Christ,

                                                                                   Mechelle Kobar, Parish Administrator



Volunteer Profile          ENGLISH           SPANISH

Code of Ethics Policy    ENGLISH           SPANISH

Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People    ENGLISH            SPANISH

Policy of the Diocese of Charlotte Concerning Ministry-Related Sexual Misconduct by Church Personnel      ENGLISH                SPANISH