Peace & Justice


Mission Statement:  The Peace, Justice and Care of Creations Ministry acts on God's call to care for each other and the earth, our common home, through prayer, education and action.  Read the vision statement and guiding principles

Monthly Meetings: Join us on the third Sunday of each month 10:15-11:15 in Rm 1. 

For more information or to join our mailing list email:   peacejusticecreation@yahoo.com. 

Co- chair:  Sue Koesters  suenbern@yahoo.com        


Called to service by the Holy Spirit, we as member of the Racial and Ethnic Equity Ministry of St. Eugene, dedicate ourselves to identifying and working to change practices that replicate and sustain inequity within our parish and our world.

We support practices that build and sustain communities marked by justice and powered by love. We aim to create deeper relationships among our parishioners and to celebrate different cultures through the spirituality of the Eucharist and Jesus's message of unconditional love.  

We collaborate with the Diocese of Charlotte African Affairs Ministry

Resources are available from the  United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Committee on Racism

Meetings are currently held the third Tuesday of the month at 7pm on Zoom with occasional in-person meetings.  

For more information contact Dee James djames@unca.edu


                             REFUGEE MINISTRY

Our community continues to receive refugees fleeing desperate conditions from a variety of countries. Following the major influx of Afghan refugees, Asheville agencies are now handling individuals and families from Ukraine, Moldovia, Guatemala, more from Afghanistan, among others and anticipating more. We work with two local agencies that are currently assisting refugees.

Lutheran Services Carolinas is collecting household items and furniture that are needed for their new homes. There is a poster located in the gathering space with a continually updated list plus contact information. These items, in good condition, are so appreciated. There is also assistance in collecting the items

Catholic Charities in Asheville is not accepting item donations at this time but monetary donations are appreciated:

Online: donate here 

By check to Catholic Charities Asheville, write "Refugees-Asheville" on memo line.  Mail to Catholic Charities, 50 Orange St., Asheville  NC 28801.  

More volunteer opportunities are available.   Contact monica.blankenship@gmail.com for more information


We need to participate for the common good. Sometimes we hear: a good Catholic is not interested in politics. This is not true: good Catholics immerse themselves in politics by offering the best of themselves so that the leader can govern." - Pope Francis, 9/16/13

Visit  faithfulcitizenship.org    for more  information from the US Conference of Catholic bishops


                             HUMAN TRAFFICKING

Human trafficking is a horrific crime against the basic dignity and rights of the human person.   All efforts must be expended to end it.      

We must work together—Church, state, and community—to eliminate the root causes and markets that permit traffickers to flourish; to make whole the survivors of this crime; and to ensure that, one day soon, trafficking in human persons vanishes from the face of the earth”    USCCB

More information from Charlotte Diocese CCDOC Human Trafficking Awareness Committee

CCDOC Human Trafficking Awareness Webpage 


                        FAIR AND ETHICAL TRADE

Caring for our Brothers & Sisters through Ethical Purchasing

As Christians, we want to adopt ways to live and consume more consciously in order to help reduce forced labor, slavery-like conditions and other crimes like child trafficking.

For  more information from CCDOC Ethical & Fair Trade Webpage



Each Lent, Catholic families across the country unite to put their faith into action through prayer, fasting and almsgiving. Through CRS Rice Bowl, families learn about how our sisters and brothers across the globe overcome hardships like hunger and malnutrition, and how through Lenten alms, we have the power to make the world a better place for all.

                             75% of donations support work around the world

                             25% of donations sstay in the local diocese for hunger and poverty elimination efforts

For more information http://www.crsricebowl.org/